== Planetary system == [[Image:Gliese 667.jpg|thumb|left|Artist's impression of Gliese 667 Cb with the Gliese 667 A/B binary in the background.]] Two [[extrasolar planet]]s, '''Gliese 667 Cb''' ('''GJ 667 Cb''') and '''Gliese 667 Cc''' ('''GJ 667 Cc'''), have been confirmed orbiting Gliese 667 C by [[radial velocity]] measurements of GJ 667, with an additional two or three unconfirmed signals. == Planetary sistem == [[Gambar:. Gliese 667.jpg | thumb | kiri | kesan Artis Gliese 667 Cb dengan 667 Gliese A / B biner di latar belakang]] Dua [[ekstrasolar planet]] s,'' "Gliese 667 Cb'' '(''' GJ 667 Cb'' ') dan''' Gliese 667 Cc'' '(''' GJ 667 Cc'' '), telah dikonfirmasi mengorbit Gliese 667 C berdasarkan [[ kecepatan radial]] pengukuran GJ 667, dengan dua atau tiga sinyal tambahan belum dikonfirmasi. The two confirmed planets have masses of at least 5.68 and 4.54 times the mass of [[Earth]], respectively, (and are thus classified as [[super-Earth]]s). Kedua planet dikonfirmasi memiliki massa kali setidaknya 5,68 dan 4,54 massa [[Bumi]], masing-masing, (dan karena itu diklasifikasikan sebagai [[super-Bumi]] s). Planet Cb has an orbital period of approximately one week at a [[semimajor axis]] of 0.049 [[astronomical unit|AU]], while planet Cc orbits the star every four weeks at a distance of 0.123 AU. Planet Cb memiliki periode orbit sekitar satu minggu di sebuah [[semimajor sumbu]] dari 0,049 [[satuan astronomi | AU]], sedangkan Cc planet mengorbit bintang setiap empat minggu pada jarak 0,123 AU. [[File:Gliese 667 Cc sunset.jpg|thumb|left|300px|An artist's impression of GJ 667 Cc, a potentially habitable planet orbiting a red dwarf constituent in a [[star system|trinary star system]].]] Planet Cb was first announced by the [[HARPS]] group on 19 October 2009, together with 29 other planets, while Cc was first mentioned in a pre-print made public on 21 November 2011, claiming that a discovery paper from the same group was in preparation. However, the announcement of a refereed journal report came on 2 February 2012 by researchers at the [[Carnegie Institution for Science]]/[[University of Göttingen]].University of Göttingen. [[File: Gliese 667 Cc sunset.jpg | thumb | kiri | 300px | kesan seorang seniman, GJ 667 Cc, sebuah planet berpotensi dihuni mengorbit konstituen katai merah dalam [[sistem bintang | trinary sistem bintang]]].] Planet cb pertama kali diumumkan oleh [[HARPS]] grup pada 19 Oktober 2009, bersama dengan 29 planet lain, sementara Cc pertama kali disebutkan dalam cetak pra-diumumkan pada tanggal 21 November 2011, menyatakan bahwa penemuan kertas dari kelompok yang sama adalah dalam persiapan . Namun, pengumuman laporan jurnal wasit datang pada tanggal 2 Februari 2012 oleh para peneliti di [[Carnegie Institution for Science]] / [[University of Göttingen]] name Universitas of Göttingen. ''Presseinformation: Wissenschaftler entdecken möglicherweise bewohnbare Super-Erde - Göttinger Astrophysiker untersucht Planeten in 22 Lichtjahren Entfernung.'' Nr. '' Presseinformation: Wissenschaftler entdecken möglicherweise bewohnbare Super-Erde - Göttinger Astrophysiker untersucht Planeten di 22 Lichtjahren Entfernung'' Nr.. 17/2012 - 02.02.2012. 17/2012 - 2012/02/02. [http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/3240.html?cid=4110 Announcement on university homepage, retrieved 2012-02-02] In this announcement, GJ 667 Cc was described as one of the [[List of potential habitable exoplanets|best candidates]] yet found to harbor liquid water, and thus, potentially, support life on its surface.{{cite web |last=Chow |first=Denise |title=Newfound Alien Planet is Best Candidate Yet to Support Life, Scientists Say|url=http://www.space.com/14444-alien-planet-super-earth-habitable-zone.html |date=February 2, 2012 |publisher=[[Space.com]] |accessdate= February 3, 2012}} A detailed orbital analysis and refined orbital parameters for Gliese 667 Cc were presented. Based on GJ 667 C's bolometric luminosity, GJ 667 Cc would receive 90% of the [[solar flux|light]] Earth does, however much of that [[Electromagnetic radiation#Electromagnetic spectrum|electromagnetic radiation]] would be in the invisible infrared light part of the spectrum. [Http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/3240.html?cid=4110 Pengumuman di homepage universitas, diambil 2012/02/02] </ ref> Dalam pengumuman ini, GJ 667 Cc digambarkan sebagai salah satu yang [[Daftar exoplanets dihuni potensial | kandidat terbaik]]. belum ditemukan pelabuhan air cair, dan dengan demikian, berpotensi, mendukung kehidupan pada permukaannya {{cite web | terakhir = Chow | pertama = Denise | title = Planet Alien Newfound adalah Calon Terbaik Namun untuk Mendukung Hidup, ilmuwan Katakanlah | url = http://www.space.com/14444-alien-planet-super-earth-habitable-zone.html | date = 2 Februari 2012 | publisher = [[Space.com]] |. accessdate = 3 Februari 2012}} </ ref> Sebuah analisis rinci dan parameter orbital orbital halus untuk Gliese 667 Cc disajikan Berdasarkan pada luminositas bolometric GJ 667 C, GJ 667 Cc akan menerima 90% dari [[surya fluks | cahaya]] Bumi tidak, Namun banyak yang [spektrum [Radiasi elektromagnetik # elektromagnetik | radiasi elektromagnetik]] akan berada di bagian cahaya tak terlihat inframerah dari spektrum. Based on black body temperature calculation, GJ 667 Cc should absorb more overall electromagnetic radiation, making it warmer (277.4 K) and placing it slightly closer to the "hot" edge of the [[habitable zone]] than Earth (254.3 K).{{citation needed|date=January 2013}} Preliminary radial-velocity measurements indicate the presence of an additional super-Earth candidate (Gliese 667 Cd), orbiting in an "[[Habitable zone#Circumstellar habitable zone|extended habitable zone]]" where large quantities of CO2 and other greenhouse gases may make life possible (a planet similar to [[Gliese 581 d]]). However, this candidate is less certain due to the similarity of the period to very strong periodicities detected in several activity indices, meaning that the radial velocity signal could be caused by stellar parameters. Berdasarkan perhitungan suhu tubuh hitam, GJ 667 Cc harus menyerap radiasi elektromagnetik yang lebih keseluruhan, sehingga lebih hangat (277,4 K) dan menempatkannya sedikit lebih dekat ke tepi "panas" dari [zona [dihuni]] dari Bumi (254.3 K). {{rujukan | date = Januari 2013}} Awal kecepatan radial pengukuran menunjukkan adanya calon super-Earth tambahan (Gliese 667 Cd), yang mengorbit dalam "[zona # circumstellar [zona layak huni huni | zona layak huni diperpanjang]] "di mana sejumlah besar gas CO </ sub> dan lainnya rumah kaca 2 dapat membuat hidup mungkin (sebuah planet mirip dengan [[Gliese 581 d]]). Namun, hal ini calon kurang tertentu karena kesamaan periode ke periodisitas sangat kuat terdeteksi di indeks beberapa kegiatan, yang berarti bahwa sinyal kecepatan radial dapat disebabkan oleh parameter bintang. Its phase sampling is also sparse, causing severe aliasing and potential confusion. Sampling fase juga jarang, menyebabkan aliasing parah dan potensi kebingungan. Another likely period for this same candidate would be 91 days. Periode yang lain untuk hal ini calon yang sama akan menjadi 91 hari. An additional, long-period signal was found in the data. Sebuah, tambahan periode panjang sinyal ditemukan dalam data. While the trend is largely consistent with the star's orbit around the A/B primary, a minor curvature in the trend suggests that the object may have a shorter period. Sementara kecenderungan sebagian besar konsisten dengan orbit bintang itu sekitar A / B primer, kelengkungan kecil dalam tren menunjukkan bahwa objek mungkin memiliki waktu yang lebih singkat. A preliminary solution of 7100 days was achieved, consistent with a roughly [[Saturn]]-mass planet, but a longer time baseline will be needed to differentiate between the two solutions. {{OrbitboxPlanet begin | name = Gliese 667 C : four-planet solution | table_ref = | period_unit = day }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = b | mass_earth = ≥5.68 ± 0.23 | semimajor = 0.049 | period = 7.20066 ± 0.00067 | eccentricity = 0.172 ± 0.043 }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = c | mass_earth = ≥4.54 ± 0.38 | semimajor = 0.123 ± 0.02 | period = 28.155 ± 0.017 | eccentricity = <0 data-blogger-escaped-.27="" data-blogger-escaped-0.12="" data-blogger-escaped-0.13="" data-blogger-escaped-0.54="" data-blogger-escaped-0.5="" data-blogger-escaped-28.1="" data-blogger-escaped-30.8="" data-blogger-escaped-3000="" data-blogger-escaped-38.8="" data-blogger-escaped-53.2="" data-blogger-escaped-667="" data-blogger-escaped-6="" data-blogger-escaped-7.2="" data-blogger-escaped-91.3="" data-blogger-escaped-91="" data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-another="" data-blogger-escaped-c.="" data-blogger-escaped-consistent="" data-blogger-escaped-data="" data-blogger-escaped-days.="" data-blogger-escaped-eccentricity="0" data-blogger-escaped-end="" data-blogger-escaped-exoplanet="(trend)" data-blogger-escaped-fixed="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-gliese="" data-blogger-escaped-harps="" data-blogger-escaped-has="" data-blogger-escaped-hypothetical="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-mass="≥0.25" data-blogger-escaped-mass_earth="≥5.65" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-orbital="" data-blogger-escaped-period="7100" data-blogger-escaped-periods="" data-blogger-escaped-planets="" data-blogger-escaped-rbitbox="" data-blogger-escaped-rbitboxplanet="" data-blogger-escaped-semimajor="2.577" data-blogger-escaped-solution="" data-blogger-escaped-span="" data-blogger-escaped-system="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-this="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-up="" data-blogger-escaped-with=""> Sebuah solusi awal 7100 hari tercapai, konsisten dengan kira-kira [[Saturnus]] planet-massa, tapi dasar waktu yang lebih lama akan dibutuhkan untuk membedakan antara dua solusi {{OrbitboxPlanet mulai |. Nama = Gliese 667 C: empat planet solusi | table_ref = | period_unit = hari}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = b | mass_earth = ≥ 5,68 ± 0,23 | semimajor = 0,049 | periode = 7,20066 ± 0,00067 | eksentrisitas = 0,172 ± 0,043}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = c | mass_earth = ≥ 4,54 ± 0,38 | semimajor = 0,123 ± 0,02 | periode = 28,155 ± 0,017 | eksentrisitas = <0 data-blogger-escaped-0="" data-blogger-escaped-28="" data-blogger-escaped-3000="" data-blogger-escaped-30="" data-blogger-escaped-38="" data-blogger-escaped-53="" data-blogger-escaped-5="" data-blogger-escaped-667="" data-blogger-escaped-6="" data-blogger-escaped-7="" data-blogger-escaped-91="" data-blogger-escaped-c.="" data-blogger-escaped-dan="" data-blogger-escaped-dari="" data-blogger-escaped-data="" data-blogger-escaped-dengan="" data-blogger-escaped-eksentrisitas="0" data-blogger-escaped-ekstrasurya="(trend)" data-blogger-escaped-end="" data-blogger-escaped-fixed="" data-blogger-escaped-gliese="" data-blogger-escaped-hal="" data-blogger-escaped-hari.="" data-blogger-escaped-harps="" data-blogger-escaped-hingga="" data-blogger-escaped-hipotetis="" data-blogger-escaped-ini="" data-blogger-escaped-konsisten="" data-blogger-escaped-lain="" data-blogger-escaped-mass_earth="≥" data-blogger-escaped-massa="≥" data-blogger-escaped-memiliki="" data-blogger-escaped-orbit="" data-blogger-escaped-orbitbox="" data-blogger-escaped-periode="" data-blogger-escaped-planet="" data-blogger-escaped-rbitboxplanet="" data-blogger-escaped-semimajor="2.577" data-blogger-escaped-sistem="" data-blogger-escaped-solusi="" data-blogger-escaped-span="" data-blogger-escaped-untuk=""> The 7.2 and 28.1 days signals correspond to the orbital periods of two previously known planets around the star. Para 7,2 dan 28,1 hari sinyal sesuai dengan periode orbit dari dua planet yang sebelumnya dikenal di seluruh bintang. The 53.2-day periodicity corresponds to the 2nd harmonic of the star's rotation, so is assumed to be not from a planet. Given that, the five-planet solution from HARPS would be: {{OrbitboxPlanet begin | name = Gliese 667 C : five-planet solution | table_ref = | period_unit = day }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = b | mass_earth = ≥5.4{{±|0.3|0.3}} | semimajor = 0.049{{±|0.001|0.001}} | period = 7.1980{{±|0.0009|0.0008}} | eccentricity = 0.068{{±|0.037|0.039}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = c | mass_earth = ≥4.8{{±|0.5|0.5}} | semimajor = 0.123{{±|0.003|0.003}} | period = 28.138{{±|0.0023|0.0023}} | eccentricity = 0.083{{±|0.035|0.081}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = d | mass_earth = ≥3.1{{±|0.4|0.5}} | semimajor = 0.130{{±|0.003|0.003}} | period = 30.82{{±|0.04|0.04}} | eccentricity = 0.16{{±|0.08|0.15}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = e | mass_earth = ≥2.4{{±|0.4|0.4}} | semimajor = 0.152{{±|0.003|0.003}} | period = 38.82{{±|0.09|0.09}} | eccentricity = 0.35{{±|0.21|0.21}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = f | mass_earth = ≥5.4{{±|0.5|0.6}} | semimajor = 0.268{{±|0.006|0.006}} | period = 91.26{{±|0.30|0.28}} | eccentricity = 0.36{{±|0.10|0.10}} }} {{Orbitbox end}} . Periodisitas 53.2-hari sesuai dengan harmonik 2 dari rotasi bintang, sehingga diasumsikan bukan dari planet Mengingat bahwa, solusi lima planet dari HARPS akan: {{OrbitboxPlanet mulai | name = Gliese 667 C: lima planet solusi | table_ref = | period_unit = hari}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = b | mass_earth = ≥ 5,4 {{± | 0,3 | 0,3}} | semimajor = 0.049 {{± | 0,001 | 0,001}} | = 7,1980 periode {{± | 0.0009 | 0.0008}} | eksentrisitas = 0,068 {{± | 0,037 | 0,039}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = c | mass_earth = ≥ 4,8 {{± | 0,5 | 0,5}} | semimajor = 0,123 {{± | 0,003 | 0,003}} | periode = 28,138 {{± | 0,0023 | 0,0023}} | eksentrisitas = 0,083 {{± | 0,035 | 0,081}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = d | mass_earth = ≥ 3,1 {{± | 0,4 | 0,5}} | semimajor = 0.130 {{± | 0,003 | 0,003}} | periode = 30.82 {{± | 0,04 | 0,04}} | eksentrisitas = 0,16 {{± | 0,08 | 0,15}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = e | mass_earth = ≥ 2,4 {{± | 0,4 | 0,4}} | semimajor = 0,152 {{± | 0,003 | 0,003}} | periode = 38.82 {{± | 0,09 | 0,09}} | eksentrisitas = 0,35 {{± | 0,21 | 0,21}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = f | mass_earth = ≥ 5,4 {{± | 0,5 | 0,6}} | semimajor = 0,268 {{± | 0,006 | 0,006}} | periode = 91,26 {{± | 0,30 | 0,28}} | eksentrisitas = 0,36 {{± | 0,10 | 0,10}}}} {{}} end Orbitbox
<span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">== Planetary system == [[Image:Gliese 667.jpg|thumb|left|Artist's impression of Gliese 667 Cb with the Gliese 667 A/B binary in the background.]] Two [[extrasolar planet]]s, '''Gliese 667 Cb''' ('''GJ 667 Cb''') and '''Gliese 667 Cc''' ('''GJ 667 Cc'''), have been confirmed orbiting Gliese 667 C by [[radial velocity]] measurements of GJ 667,<ref name=arxiv12020446/> with an additional two or three unconfirmed signals.</span> == Planetary sistem == [[Gambar:. Gliese 667.jpg | thumb | kiri | kesan Artis Gliese 667 Cb dengan 667 Gliese A / B biner di latar belakang]] Dua [[ekstrasolar planet]] s,'' "Gliese 667 Cb'' '(''' GJ 667 Cb'' ') dan''' Gliese 667 Cc'' '(''' GJ 667 Cc'' '), telah dikonfirmasi mengorbit Gliese 667 C berdasarkan [[ kecepatan radial]] pengukuran GJ 667, <ref name=arxiv12020446/> dengan dua atau tiga sinyal tambahan belum dikonfirmasi.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The two confirmed planets have masses of at least 5.68 and 4.54 times the mass of [[Earth]], respectively, (and are thus classified as [[super-Earth]]s).</span> Kedua planet dikonfirmasi memiliki massa kali setidaknya 5,68 dan 4,54 massa [[Bumi]], masing-masing, (dan karena itu diklasifikasikan sebagai [[super-Bumi]] s).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Planet Cb has an orbital period of approximately one week at a [[semimajor axis]] of 0.049 [[astronomical unit|AU]], while planet Cc orbits the star every four weeks at a distance of 0.123 AU.</span> Planet Cb memiliki periode orbit sekitar satu minggu di sebuah [[semimajor sumbu]] dari 0,049 [[satuan astronomi | AU]], sedangkan Cc planet mengorbit bintang setiap empat minggu pada jarak 0,123 AU.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">[[File:Gliese 667 Cc sunset.jpg|thumb|left|300px|An artist's impression of GJ 667 Cc, a potentially habitable planet orbiting a red dwarf constituent in a [[star system|trinary star system]].]] Planet Cb was first announced by the [[HARPS]] group on 19 October 2009, together with 29 other planets, while Cc was first mentioned in a pre-print made public on 21 November 2011, claiming that a discovery paper from the same group was in preparation.<ref name=arxiv11115019/> However, the announcement of a refereed journal report came on 2 February 2012 by researchers at the [[Carnegie Institution for Science]]/[[University of Göttingen]].<ref name=arxiv12020446/><ref>University of Göttingen.</span> [[File: Gliese 667 Cc sunset.jpg | thumb | kiri | 300px | kesan seorang seniman, GJ 667 Cc, sebuah planet berpotensi dihuni mengorbit konstituen katai merah dalam [[sistem bintang | trinary sistem bintang]]].] Planet cb pertama kali diumumkan oleh [[HARPS]] grup pada 19 Oktober 2009, bersama dengan 29 planet lain, sementara Cc pertama kali disebutkan dalam cetak pra-diumumkan pada tanggal 21 November 2011, menyatakan bahwa penemuan kertas dari kelompok yang sama adalah dalam persiapan <ref name=arxiv11115019/>. Namun, pengumuman laporan jurnal wasit datang pada tanggal 2 Februari 2012 oleh para peneliti di [[Carnegie Institution for Science]] / [[University of Göttingen]] name <ref. = arxiv12020446 /> Universitas <ref> of Göttingen.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">''Presseinformation: Wissenschaftler entdecken möglicherweise bewohnbare Super-Erde - Göttinger Astrophysiker untersucht Planeten in 22 Lichtjahren Entfernung.'' Nr.</span> '' Presseinformation: Wissenschaftler entdecken möglicherweise bewohnbare Super-Erde - Göttinger Astrophysiker untersucht Planeten di 22 Lichtjahren Entfernung'' Nr..</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">17/2012 - 02.02.2012.</span> 17/2012 - 2012/02/02.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">[http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/3240.html?cid=4110 Announcement on university homepage, retrieved 2012-02-02]</ref> In this announcement, GJ 667 Cc was described as one of the [[List of potential habitable exoplanets|best candidates]] yet found to harbor liquid water, and thus, potentially, support life on its surface.<ref name="Space-20120202">{{cite web |last=Chow |first=Denise |title=Newfound Alien Planet is Best Candidate Yet to Support Life, Scientists Say|url=http://www.space.com/14444-alien-planet-super-earth-habitable-zone.html |date=February 2, 2012 |publisher=[[Space.com]] |accessdate= February 3, 2012}}</ref> A detailed orbital analysis and refined orbital parameters for Gliese 667 Cc were presented.<ref name=arxiv12020446/> Based on GJ 667 C's bolometric luminosity, GJ 667 Cc would receive 90% of the [[solar flux|light]] Earth does,<ref name=news/> however much of that [[Electromagnetic radiation#Electromagnetic spectrum|electromagnetic radiation]] would be in the invisible infrared light part of the spectrum.</span> [Http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/3240.html?cid=4110 Pengumuman di homepage universitas, diambil 2012/02/02] </ ref> Dalam pengumuman ini, GJ 667 Cc digambarkan sebagai salah satu yang [[Daftar exoplanets dihuni potensial | kandidat terbaik]]. belum ditemukan pelabuhan air cair, dan dengan demikian, berpotensi, mendukung kehidupan pada permukaannya <ref name="Space-20120202"> {{cite web | terakhir = Chow | pertama = Denise | title = Planet Alien Newfound adalah Calon Terbaik Namun untuk Mendukung Hidup, ilmuwan Katakanlah | url = http://www.space.com/14444-alien-planet-super-earth-habitable-zone.html | date = 2 Februari 2012 | publisher = [[Space.com]] |. accessdate = 3 Februari 2012}} </ ref> Sebuah analisis rinci dan parameter orbital orbital halus untuk Gliese 667 Cc disajikan <ref name=arxiv12020446/> Berdasarkan pada luminositas bolometric GJ 667 C, GJ 667 Cc akan menerima 90% dari [[surya fluks | cahaya]] Bumi tidak, <ref name=news/> Namun banyak yang [spektrum [Radiasi elektromagnetik # elektromagnetik | radiasi elektromagnetik]] akan berada di bagian cahaya tak terlihat inframerah dari spektrum.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Based on black body temperature calculation, GJ 667 Cc should absorb more overall electromagnetic radiation, making it warmer (277.4 K) and placing it slightly closer to the "hot" edge of the [[habitable zone]] than Earth (254.3 K).{{citation needed|date=January 2013}} Preliminary radial-velocity measurements indicate the presence of an additional super-Earth candidate (Gliese 667 Cd), orbiting in an "[[Habitable zone#Circumstellar habitable zone|extended habitable zone]]" where large quantities of CO<sub>2</sub> and other greenhouse gases may make life possible (a planet similar to [[Gliese 581 d]]).<ref name="Space-20120202" /> However, this candidate is less certain due to the similarity of the period to very strong periodicities detected in several activity indices, meaning that the radial velocity signal could be caused by stellar parameters.</span> Berdasarkan perhitungan suhu tubuh hitam, GJ 667 Cc harus menyerap radiasi elektromagnetik yang lebih keseluruhan, sehingga lebih hangat (277,4 K) dan menempatkannya sedikit lebih dekat ke tepi "panas" dari [zona [dihuni]] dari Bumi (254.3 K). {{rujukan | date = Januari 2013}} Awal kecepatan radial pengukuran menunjukkan adanya calon super-Earth tambahan (Gliese 667 Cd), yang mengorbit dalam "[zona # circumstellar [zona layak huni huni | zona layak huni diperpanjang]] "di mana sejumlah besar gas CO </ sub> dan lainnya rumah kaca <sub> 2 dapat membuat hidup mungkin (sebuah planet mirip dengan [[Gliese 581 d]]). <ref name="Space-20120202" /> Namun, hal ini calon kurang tertentu karena kesamaan periode ke periodisitas sangat kuat terdeteksi di indeks beberapa kegiatan, yang berarti bahwa sinyal kecepatan radial dapat disebabkan oleh parameter bintang.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Its phase sampling is also sparse, causing severe aliasing and potential confusion.</span> Sampling fase juga jarang, menyebabkan aliasing parah dan potensi kebingungan.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Another likely period for this same candidate would be 91 days.</span> Periode yang lain untuk hal ini calon yang sama akan menjadi 91 hari.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">An additional, long-period signal was found in the data.</span> Sebuah, tambahan periode panjang sinyal ditemukan dalam data.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">While the trend is largely consistent with the star's orbit around the A/B primary, a minor curvature in the trend suggests that the object may have a shorter period.</span> Sementara kecenderungan sebagian besar konsisten dengan orbit bintang itu sekitar A / B primer, kelengkungan kecil dalam tren menunjukkan bahwa objek mungkin memiliki waktu yang lebih singkat.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">A preliminary solution of 7100 days was achieved, consistent with a roughly [[Saturn]]-mass planet, but a longer time baseline will be needed to differentiate between the two solutions.<ref name=arxiv12020446 /> {{OrbitboxPlanet begin | name = Gliese 667 C : four-planet solution | table_ref =<ref name=arxiv12020446/> | period_unit = day }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = b | mass_earth = ≥5.68 ± 0.23 | semimajor = 0.049 | period = 7.20066 ± 0.00067 | eccentricity = 0.172 ± 0.043 }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = c | mass_earth = ≥4.54 ± 0.38 | semimajor = 0.123 ± 0.02 | period = 28.155 ± 0.017 | eccentricity = <0.27 }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = d | mass_earth = ≥5.65 ± 0.54 | semimajor = 0.235 | period = 74.79 ± 0.13 / 91 ± 0.5 | eccentricity = 0 (fixed) }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = (trend) | mass = ≥0.25 ± 0.12 | semimajor = 2.577 | period = 7100 ± 3000 | eccentricity = 0 (fixed) }} {{Orbitbox end}} The HARPS data has another solution for Gliese 667 C. This is consistent with a system of up to 6 planets with orbital periods of 7.2, 28.1, 30.8, 38.8, 53.2 and 91.3 days.</span> Sebuah solusi awal 7100 hari tercapai, konsisten dengan kira-kira [[Saturnus]] planet-massa, tapi dasar waktu yang lebih lama akan dibutuhkan untuk membedakan antara dua solusi <ref name=arxiv12020446 /> {{OrbitboxPlanet mulai |. Nama = Gliese 667 C: empat planet solusi | table_ref = <ref name=arxiv12020446/> | period_unit = hari}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = b | mass_earth = ≥ 5,68 ± 0,23 | semimajor = 0,049 | periode = 7,20066 ± 0,00067 | eksentrisitas = 0,172 ± 0,043}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = c | mass_earth = ≥ 4,54 ± 0,38 | semimajor = 0,123 ± 0,02 | periode = 28,155 ± 0,017 | eksentrisitas = <0,27}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = d | mass_earth = ≥ 5,65 ± 0,54 | semimajor = 0.235 | periode = 74.79 ± 0,13 / 91 ± 0,5 | eksentrisitas = 0 (fixed)}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = (trend) | massa = ≥ 0,25 ± 0,12 | semimajor = 2.577 | periode = 7100 ± 3000 | eksentrisitas = 0 (fixed)}} {{}} end Orbitbox Data HARPS memiliki solusi lain untuk Gliese 667 C. Hal ini konsisten dengan sistem hingga 6 planet dengan periode orbit dari 7,2,, 28,1 30,8 , 38,8, 53,2 dan 91,3 hari.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The 7.2 and 28.1 days signals correspond to the orbital periods of two previously known planets around the star.</span> Para 7,2 dan 28,1 hari sinyal sesuai dengan periode orbit dari dua planet yang sebelumnya dikenal di seluruh bintang.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The 53.2-day periodicity corresponds to the 2nd harmonic of the star's rotation, so is assumed to be not from a planet.<ref name=Gregory/> Given that, the five-planet solution from HARPS would be: {{OrbitboxPlanet begin | name = Gliese 667 C : five-planet solution | table_ref =<ref name=Gregory/> | period_unit = day }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = b | mass_earth = ≥5.4{{±|0.3|0.3}} | semimajor = 0.049{{±|0.001|0.001}} | period = 7.1980{{±|0.0009|0.0008}} | eccentricity = 0.068{{±|0.037|0.039}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet | exoplanet = c | mass_earth = ≥4.8{{±|0.5|0.5}} | semimajor = 0.123{{±|0.003|0.003}} | period = 28.138{{±|0.0023|0.0023}} | eccentricity = 0.083{{±|0.035|0.081}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = d | mass_earth = ≥3.1{{±|0.4|0.5}} | semimajor = 0.130{{±|0.003|0.003}} | period = 30.82{{±|0.04|0.04}} | eccentricity = 0.16{{±|0.08|0.15}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = e | mass_earth = ≥2.4{{±|0.4|0.4}} | semimajor = 0.152{{±|0.003|0.003}} | period = 38.82{{±|0.09|0.09}} | eccentricity = 0.35{{±|0.21|0.21}} }} {{OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical | exoplanet = f | mass_earth = ≥5.4{{±|0.5|0.6}} | semimajor = 0.268{{±|0.006|0.006}} | period = 91.26{{±|0.30|0.28}} | eccentricity = 0.36{{±|0.10|0.10}} }} {{Orbitbox end}}</span> . Periodisitas 53.2-hari sesuai dengan harmonik 2 dari rotasi bintang, sehingga diasumsikan bukan dari planet <ref name=Gregory/> Mengingat bahwa, solusi lima planet dari HARPS akan: {{OrbitboxPlanet mulai | name = Gliese 667 C: lima planet solusi | table_ref = <ref name=Gregory/> | period_unit = hari}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = b | mass_earth = ≥ 5,4 {{± | 0,3 | 0,3}} | semimajor = 0.049 {{± | 0,001 | 0,001}} | = 7,1980 periode {{± | 0.0009 | 0.0008}} | eksentrisitas = 0,068 {{± | 0,037 | 0,039}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet | planet ekstrasurya = c | mass_earth = ≥ 4,8 {{± | 0,5 | 0,5}} | semimajor = 0,123 {{± | 0,003 | 0,003}} | periode = 28,138 {{± | 0,0023 | 0,0023}} | eksentrisitas = 0,083 {{± | 0,035 | 0,081}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = d | mass_earth = ≥ 3,1 {{± | 0,4 | 0,5}} | semimajor = 0.130 {{± | 0,003 | 0,003}} | periode = 30.82 {{± | 0,04 | 0,04}} | eksentrisitas = 0,16 {{± | 0,08 | 0,15}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = e | mass_earth = ≥ 2,4 {{± | 0,4 | 0,4}} | semimajor = 0,152 {{± | 0,003 | 0,003}} | periode = 38.82 {{± | 0,09 | 0,09}} | eksentrisitas = 0,35 {{± | 0,21 | 0,21}}}} {{OrbitboxPlanet hipotetis | planet ekstrasurya = f | mass_earth = ≥ 5,4 {{± | 0,5 | 0,6}} | semimajor = 0,268 {{± | 0,006 | 0,006}} | periode = 91,26 {{± | 0,30 | 0,28}} | eksentrisitas = 0,36 {{± | 0,10 | 0,10}}}} {{}} end Orbitbox</span>
Kamis, 14 Februari 2013
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